Training is vital to keep up to speed

May 28, 2012 | Lighting

Continuing professional development (CPD) has become more important in an industrial environment as the increasing number of standards means it’s hard to keep up to speed. Stewart Damonsing of safety lamp manufacturer GlassGuard explains how the company’s new training presentation can help.

Understanding the implications of what a specific product or service brings to an industrial setting can sometimes be difficult. Every company says that its products are unique, but it is not always clear why.

GlassGuard lobbied for the introduction of a unified safety standard for fragment retention lamps. As a result the BS EN 61549 standard was launched in 2010. These strict regulations governed lamp life, coating protection and lamp performance, providing far increased safety for the end user in a variety of industrial, production and public sector situations.

Building on from the introduction of the standard, GlassGuard has now also developed a CPD training presentation titled ‘An Introduction to Fragment Retention Fluorescent Lamps’, which has been accredited by the Construction CPD Certification Service, part of an independent body operating across all professional institutions and societies.

What is CPD?

Defined as ‘A commitment to structured skills enhancement and personal or professional competence’, CPD plays an important role in almost all industries and sectors. Fast moving changes in skills, legalities, knowledge and standards keep our economy moving forwards. However, it is imperative that all staff in all types of business keep on top of these changes, taking on critical knowledge and improving skills to keep up with the fast pace of change.

Every business has a duty to maintain professional competence and ensure that employee qualifications do not become obsolete – and key to this is CPD.

GlassGuard’s CPD introduces fragment retention lamps and the IEC 61549 (BS EN 61549) Fragment Retention Lamp Standard, and provides an application guideline to businesses and organisations in where to use fragment retention lamps and highlights the dangers and cost implications of using non-compliant products. The training alongside the product is vital for its correct application – you wouldn’t buy a car if you didn’t know how to drive and in the same way, product training such as this makes it simple to match the correct product to the situation and understand the implications of compliance.


CPD activities are simply defined as those that provide educational benefits and learning value. They are often delivered as training courses, seminars, and conferences or through online tools such as e-learning modules or webinars.

By encouraging a learning environment and ensuring that employees are up to date with their knowledge and skill sets, organisations can retain competitive advantage. The knowledge obtained can be shared with clients, leading the way in important decisions to be made in their own work place.

GlassGuard’s CPD has a specific use for the industrial sector, particularly for those that make decisions on energy efficiency and health and safety. By completing the CPD, staff can understand why fragment retention lamps are important in this sector, including the protection from glass contamination and risk of injury from accidental lamp breakage.

Companies must show commitment to education, to ensure the line of knowledge passes from manufacturer, to installer, to end user. As such, the new CPD training presentation from GlassGuard is an effective way to pass on product knowledge, improve staff training and maintain standards.


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