In the five years following water deregulation in Scotland, businesses spent £65 million less on water consumption*. From April 2017, 1.2 million organisations in England and Wales will be able to choose the supplier of their water and waste water retail services, in the hope that increased competition will reduce costs and consumption.

Although water deregulation is just 10 months away, it is evident that many businesses have not yet developed or put in place a strategy to benefit from the change. Minimise Water has extensive experience in delivering water and energy efficiencies and is an ideal partner for those in the commercial, industrial and public sectors that want to capitalise on the opportunities water deregulation offers.

Minimise Water has developed a four step best practice approach which will:

  • Provide a detailed understanding of current water use
  • Develop and implement a comprehensive water management strategy to deliver future savings, efficiencies and compliance
  • Assist with the selection of the best water supplier to meet organisation-specific requirements 

Step 1: Conducting a water audit
Minimise Water’s bill validation and water audit service will provide you with a thorough overview of:

  • Estate-wide water usage and waste water outputs
  • Billing anomalies, missing payments or overpayments made
  • Potential leakages and areas for improvement
  • Current water costs and variations in pricing between existing water suppliers

Step 2: Selecting a supplier
At this stage Minimise Water provides end-to-end support for tender negotiation, procurement and transition by:

  • Developing a tender framework to meet an organisation’s objectives
  • Researching suppliers that most closely meet the organisation’s requirements
  • Presenting and ranking tender responses in a matrix in order of supplier suitability
  • Assisting with the contract award and the transition to a new supplier

Step 3: Developing a water strategy
Minimise Water’s ‘Comply, Source, Reduce’ methodology will help businesses create a robust water strategy. This will:

  • Ensure compliance with water health legislation
  • Uncover opportunities for water reduction, prioritised by fastest payback period
  • Identify alternative, cost-effective water sources i.e. boreholes or greywater usage
  • Put in place a framework to assess and review water suppliers on an ongoing basis

Step 4: Implementing efficiencies
Minimise Water’s integrated water management team and nationwide team of water engineers will turn water compliance and saving opportunities into reality through:

  • Water hygiene and treatment services
  • Water engineering services
  • Integrated water management and water saving products and technologies

For more details of Minimise’s Water’s dedicated deregulation services, visit

* Source: